Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Photo Editing
I think our science project this part. Its photo editing. I love it. I have so many photo editing apps for it. I cant wait to actually start. I love taking pictures of things and now I will have more to do with them. Its going to be great.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Washington D.C
I cant wait till thursday. We will be on our way to D.C. I love going to washington D.C because my friend riley lives there and it is so fun to stay at her house. She always has clothes that she cant use anymore for me. And we always play super fun games and go to lots of museums. I love it there. Its so much fun.
My Sunday
My day was going perfectly fine, I had my friend over and we where having so much fun! Until...
I stubed my toe on the leg of my moms desk. It hurt so bad I wanted to scream. Instead I kept my mouth shut because I didnt want to cry. The whole day I was limping. My mom taped the toe to another toe. It hurt to walk and to move it. And on sunday, I went to the detriot symphony orchestra with my uncle erik. I also had dinner with my two great friends. Then I got home, my toe hurt. It was still taped. I took off the tape and it suddenly...
Felt soooooooo much better.
I stubed my toe on the leg of my moms desk. It hurt so bad I wanted to scream. Instead I kept my mouth shut because I didnt want to cry. The whole day I was limping. My mom taped the toe to another toe. It hurt to walk and to move it. And on sunday, I went to the detriot symphony orchestra with my uncle erik. I also had dinner with my two great friends. Then I got home, my toe hurt. It was still taped. I took off the tape and it suddenly...
Felt soooooooo much better.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
My dance on wednesday is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tiring. We have to do these rhings called suisides where we run back and forth 10 times. And we do 10 push ups and 50 crunches, 25 jumping jacks and nee kicks and butt kicks. Then we do our real dance. It is so hard. I wish it where easier.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
10.10.3 Update
I love my new macbook update! I can do so much stuff. Text, FaceTime, Photo booth is better. Everything is better, I love everything now. My computer is great. I love my new backrounds and my login. Its funny that some kids think I got a new computer. I love it now and it glitches less. Its great!
Sims 4
I finally got the sims 4 money cheat figured out! Now my sims can have millions of dollars. Its better that they have money now so I can make houses. I made one for a mom and a daughter and the house is so cool! I love designing sims houses. It is really fun and cool. Also making the bedrooms is the best. I cant wait till the gallery works. Then I can use other houses people have made!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
My Sunday (there is a reason why there is no exclamation mark)
My weekend was not the best. My brother was being ruder than usual. And he is rude. Also at the dinner table he has terrible manners. He uses his sleeve as a napkin and burps like an animal. I wish he where nice. But now lets get to the weekend. The easy way to say is is: Sunday night, we all had spaghetti because my brother chose it. Well he didnt finish his dinner so my dad made him eat 24 more bites. On elliotts 5th bite he had to stop because he had a stomach ache. My dad told him to walk to the bathroom just in case. As he was walking down the hall we all heard " spat" "blah" Gross. my brother threw up in the hall. I stayed home with my dads friend while elliott and dad left to get my uncle from the airport. Elliott felt better at least. But now he was obsessing over the pie that he couldn't have scince he threw up. That was my sunday.
Friday, March 20, 2015
I LOVE the weekend! It is the very best time every. Because the weekend = freedom for only two days. At least we get freedom from work! Dont you love weekends! Do not say no! If so, you will be in so much TOUBLE! So I will stop typing before you can say NO! BYE!!!
Best day ever! Guess when it was. FYI, not today. It was... YESTERDAY! Wanna know WHY? Well, because I got my vert favorite game in the whole world! I've been waiting for what feels like forever. If you have felt that way, just sayin', I probably felt a billion times more that way than YOU! Just Kidding! OR am I! If you are wondering what this game is called my other posts can tell you! Unless you need to know, In that case you will have to scroll down ALOT!
SIMS 4 Is My Favorite Game!!!!!!!! :) SIMS 4!!
SIMS 4 Is My Favorite Game!!!!!!!! :) SIMS 4!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Wednesday is ALWAYS my busiest day of the entire week. First of course I always have school. But then after school I go to dance for 45 minutes. Then after dance I have swim for a hour and 30 minutes. Then at after 7 or 7:30 I have dinner. Then I go to bed. I do not love my wednesdays.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Im afraid if I say Spring that it will start snowing AGAIN! But today I rode my bike. It was so fun to go outside and not freeze. I rode for about 10 minutes. My dog was also very happy considering he also could go on a walk. I love springtime.
What I acompolished today
I finished all my parenthetical picture plans. I will start my digital essay next
There is nothing in the world I love more than dogs (except for my parents). They are cute furry little things with little brown eyes (or rarely blue ones). I wonder what everysingle type of dog in the world looks like. Some may not be the cutest though. And some may be you cute you say you wanna keep it. Some are to puffy or to big. Some will be as big as your shoe (left or right). But no matter how they look they are awesome.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Loose Tooth! The story of depressing stuff like TEETH!
I HATE loose teeth. They are Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo anoying. Agree. DO IT! I bet nobody likes wiggly TEETH! And then you are afraid to eat. Then it comes out in your sleep. Well its happened to ME! I hade to suffer the horror of waking up with a tooth in my mouth. Or have you had a loos tooth and you where chewing gum and it pulled your tooth out, and then you dont notice and you bite it. I am being very specific so I think you should have said yes by now. Comment if a yes.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
I bet that if you asked someone " if you where trapped in a desert witch object would you choose, TV, Games, Water, Phone" Everyone would choose phone. They are just something no one can live without. But think, would you really have cell service in the desert. Yep, thets what I thought. NO! Imagine if there was. You could go anywhere. And bring your phone. Dont get tricked!
Depending on how you look at it, wonder can teach you many life lessons . After reading the story Wonder, and talking about it with others it seems that everyone sees the same message in the book.
The important idea in the book Wonder is that you should never judge a boy by his face. Pretty much they are saying don’t judge a book by its cover. The story is about a boy who has a facial deformity and he was always homeschooled. For fifth grade he decides he will go to a real school, he it is easier than he thought but harder for a kid like him. The theme in the story is that you really shouldn’t be a bully because it may hurt the person much more than you think. So many people do this and they don’t even realize it. And the sad part is, someone always gets hurt. Bullies usually do it because they either had the same experience or something at home is going on. But anyone can help, stomp out bullying. Maybe they don’t have friends, or maybe they have a mean older sibling. People do it all the time.
In the story you will see how Auggie changes, gets stronger and has more friends. For example, he met Summer, he thought the principal talked to her. But the principal didn’t, she just was doing it to be nice, that made auggie happy. This shows that if you are nice to others then you can change some ones day. " Jack: can we b frenz agen? August: ok Jack: awsum!!!! August: lol yes dude we'r fenz agen. " That made auggie happy that he got an email from jack.
Also he met Jack, the principal talked to him but later on jack actually liked auggie. For example, he didn’t really like auggie until he realized that auggie was a nice kid and that he was a great friend and his face didn’t matter. This shows that if you really spend time with someone then you may find that someone is better than you thought.
By the end of the story auggie has freinds and is not judged by his face but by his heart. For example, summer and jack don’t even care about how he looks anymore. This shows that if you look past how the person looks they may be prettier inside than out. In some situations the person may seem weird or crazy, but don’t judge them if it only happened once. Or twice or even three times. Give them more than one chance. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you like to be them if people judge them all the time? I don’t think that you would.
So the theme in the story is don’t be mean because it could hurt that person so much more then you think. Some kids and maybe some adults judge people about how they look. And the way jack became auggies friend shows that if people are nice you realize who you really are. Are you a bully who makes people feel bad or are you a nice caring person? This relates to real life because so many people are bullied by their skin color or how they look. Is it really necesarry? Stand up for yourself. And don’t make others feel bad about who they are just because they are slightly different than you!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
As I said Earlier...
Marlene is my very best friend EVER!
No more, No less. Well actually maybe a bit more. She is Awesome, Hilarious and FUN!
Marlene is coming over Today! YAY!
Marlene is my very best friend EVER!
No more, No less. Well actually maybe a bit more. She is Awesome, Hilarious and FUN!
Marlene is coming over Today! YAY!
I feel like its been forever since I've seen...
MY FRIEND Marlene! ( Dont worry, there is more writing )
In just a second
Now, Marlene is my very best friend in the world from my old school. And I love it when she eats sugary stuff like candy or cake. She gets so hypor and once she was so hypor she started telling dumb stories. One was " Hey, Livy. Remember Mrs. Bisso?" She said, " Yes, She was so nice." I replied. "Well, In the newspaper and on the school announcements said that she and her whole family got hit by a car in a family bike riding." To me that sounded suspicious but I was just sad that Mrs. Bisso had "Died" Witch she hadn't because I saw marlene laughing her head off. " Why dont you like her" I asked. "No one likes her, She is mean" After that day I always know not to belive marlene when she is hypor.
So, You are probably wondering why this story is called TUESDAY. It is down there ↓↓↓↓↓↓
I am going to see marlene today at rojo, I am mad at rojo for taking over max and ermas because this guy who his name was nick always gave us as many gummy worms as we wanted because he knew us. But I am going because marlene said it is still fun there!
The End!
MY FRIEND Marlene! ( Dont worry, there is more writing )
In just a second
Now, Marlene is my very best friend in the world from my old school. And I love it when she eats sugary stuff like candy or cake. She gets so hypor and once she was so hypor she started telling dumb stories. One was " Hey, Livy. Remember Mrs. Bisso?" She said, " Yes, She was so nice." I replied. "Well, In the newspaper and on the school announcements said that she and her whole family got hit by a car in a family bike riding." To me that sounded suspicious but I was just sad that Mrs. Bisso had "Died" Witch she hadn't because I saw marlene laughing her head off. " Why dont you like her" I asked. "No one likes her, She is mean" After that day I always know not to belive marlene when she is hypor.
So, You are probably wondering why this story is called TUESDAY. It is down there ↓↓↓↓↓↓
I am going to see marlene today at rojo, I am mad at rojo for taking over max and ermas because this guy who his name was nick always gave us as many gummy worms as we wanted because he knew us. But I am going because marlene said it is still fun there!
The End!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Yay, I said when I walked into the house. Know why? Because we where making home-made pasta noodles. I love the way that they taste. So much better than store baught noodles. And they cook super fast. The best type to me is fettuchini. I love it. Can not wait to eat it though. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright, Tuesday was the weirdest day EVER! So, in art we are going to be drawing outsides of houses. Of course the teacher had pictures of some beautiful real houses. So we where all watching the presentation when a SUPER familiar house popped up. And it was in Detroit on Iroquois, The East Side near belle Isle. I looked closer, and my mouth dropped open. Of course, It had to be! I thought. It was me old house. I was three when we lived in it and just went inside over spring. My dad is friends with the owner so thats nice. But I was so freaked out. I waited till the end of class to tell my art teacher. She thought that was super wierd. I agreed. She told me to bring in pictures. I am trying to find some. Inside and Out! It was a very special house.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Depending on how you look at
, wonder can teach you many life lessons
. After reading
the story Wonder,
and talking about it with others
it seems that
everyone sees the same message
in the book.

important idea
in the book Wonder
is that you should
never judge
a boy by his face.
Pretty much they are saying don’t judge a book by its cover
. The story is about a boy who has a facial deformity and
he was always homeschooled
. For fifth grade he decides he will go to a real school
, he it is easier than he thought but harder for a kid
like him. The theme in the story is that you really shouldn’t be a bully
because it may hurt the person much more than you think. So many people do this and they don’t even
realize it. And the sad part is, someone always gets hurt
. Bullies usually do it because they either had the same experience or
something at home is going on. But anyone can help, stomp out bullying. Maybe
they don’t have friends, or maybe they have a mean older sibling. People do it
all the time.

In the story you will see how Auggie
changes, gets stronger
and has more friends
. For example, he met Summer, he thought the principal (
Principal ) talked to her. But the principal didn’t, she just was doing it to
be nice, that made auggie happy. This shows that if you are nice to others then
you can change some ones day. " Jack: can we b frenz agen? August: ok
Jack: awsum!!!! August: lol yes dude we'r fenz agen. " That made auggie
happy that he got an email from jack.

Also he
met Jack, the principal talked to him but later on jack actually liked auggie.
For example, he didn’t really like auggie until he realized that auggie was a
nice kid and that he was a great friend and his face didn’t matter. This shows
that if you really spend time with someone then you may find that someone is
better than you thought.
By the end of the story auggie has freinds
and is not judged by his face but by his heart ( A cartoon heart ). For
example, summer and jack don’t even care about how he looks anymore. This shows
that if you look past how the person looks they may be prettier inside than
out. In some situations the person may seem weird or crazy, but don’t judge
them if it only happened once. Or twice or even three times. Give them more
than one chance. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you like to be them if
people judge them all the time? I don’t think that you would.
So the theme in the story is don’t be
mean because it could hurt that person so much more then you think. Some kids
and maybe some adults ( and adult pointing at another laughing ) judge people
about how they look. And the way jack became auggies friend shows that if
people are nice you realize who you really are. Are you a bully who makes
people feel bad or are you a nice caring person ( A nice person )? This relates
to real life because so many people are bullied by their skin color or how they
look. Is it really necesarry? Stand up for yourself. And don’t make others feel
bad about who they are just because they are slightly different than you!
My Cousin Nicks Basketball Game!
Last night, I was doing my homework when my mom told when I would be done. I asked " Why? I am almost done." She said " Because we are going to cousin Nicks basketball game with erik and your dad." " Yay." I exclaimed. We finally got to leave. We got to the bleachers and couldnt fine my aunt. We found her and gave her a hug and then nick got off the bench. He made all of the teams basket exept for the ones while he was on the bench. He made 23 hoops. They where 20 points ahaid until nick got on the bench. The game ended at 50 to 61! Nicks team one. He took forever to get out of the locker room but everyone wanted to say hi. He was so tall, like 2 of me and a 1/2! Everyon said goodbye. It was and awesome game!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
I love DOGS! Even if they are fat or puffy or drool all over, I would love it. I have a bloodhound at my dads and a chiuaua at my moms. It is a very odd transition because one is huge and one is 4 pounds. If anyone ever asked me which one I liked most, I would not answer. If you have a dog, please comment on what type at the end of this post.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Wonder Literary Essay
on how you look at it ( emoji eyes ) wonder can teach you many lessons ( A teacher ). After reading ( Someone reading) the story life lessons(y
Wonder, and talking about it with others ( A person talking in a group) it
seems that everyone sees the same message ( A text message) in the book.
important idea ( Lightbulb ) in the book Wonder ( Wonder ) is that you should
never judge ( Old timey judge ) a boy by his face. Pretty much they are saying
don’t judge a book by its cover( Book covers ). The story is about a boy who
has a facial deformity and he was always homeschooled ( A kid being homeschooled ). For fifth
grade he decides he will go to a real school ( A picture of a middle school ),
he it is easier than he thought but harder for a kid like him. The theme in the
story is that you really shouldn’t be a bully ( Rude bully in 5th
grade ) because it may hurt the person much more than you think. So many people do this and they don’t even
realize it. And the sad part is, someone always gets hurt ( A kid crying ).
Bullies usually do it because they either had the same experience or something
at home is going on. But anyone can help, stomp out bullying. Maybe they don’t
have friends, or maybe they have a mean older sibling. People do it all the
In the story you will see how Auggie
changes, gets stronger ( Wrestler ) and has more friends ( Kids who are friends
). For example, he met Summer, he thought the principal ( Principal ) talked to
her. But the principal didn’t, she just was doing it to be nice, that made
auggie happy. This shows that if you are nice to others then you can change
some ones day. " Jack: can we b frenz agen? August: ok Jack: awsum!!!!
August: lol yes dude we'r fenz agen. " That made auggie happy that he got
an email from jack.
Also he
met Jack, the principal talked to him but later on jack actually liked auggie.
For example, he didn’t really like auggie until he realized that auggie was a
nice kid and that he was a great friend and his face didn’t matter. This shows
that if you really spend time with someone then you may find that someone is
better than you thought.
By the end of the story auggie has freinds
and is not judged by his face but by his heart ( A cartoon heart ). For
example, summer and jack don’t even care about how he looks anymore. This shows
that if you look past how the person looks they may be prettier inside than
out. In some situations the person may seem weird or crazy, but don’t judge
them if it only happened once. Or twice or even three times. Give them more
than one chance. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you like to be them if
people judge them all the time? I don’t think that you would.
So the theme in the story is don’t be
mean because it could hurt that person so much more then you think. Some kids
and maybe some adults ( and adult pointing at another laughing ) judge people
about how they look. And the way jack became auggies friend shows that if
people are nice you realize who you really are. Are you a bully who makes
people feel bad or are you a nice caring person ( A nice person )? This relates
to real life because so many people are bullied by their skin color or how they
look. Is it really necesarry? Stand up for yourself. And don’t make others feel
bad about who they are just because they are slightly different than you!
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