Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I feel like its been forever since I've seen...

MY FRIEND Marlene! ( Dont worry, there is more writing )

In just a second

Now, Marlene is my very best friend in the world from my old school. And I love it when she eats sugary stuff like candy or cake. She gets so hypor and once she was so hypor she started telling dumb stories. One was " Hey, Livy. Remember Mrs. Bisso?" She said, " Yes, She was so nice." I replied. "Well, In the newspaper and on the school announcements said that she and her whole family got hit by a car in a family bike riding." To me that sounded suspicious but I was just sad that Mrs. Bisso had "Died" Witch she hadn't because I saw marlene laughing her head off. " Why dont you like her" I asked. "No one likes her, She is mean" After that day I always know not to belive marlene when she is hypor.

So, You are probably wondering why this story is called TUESDAY. It is down there     ↓↓↓↓↓↓

I am going to see marlene today at rojo, I am mad at rojo for taking over max and ermas because this guy who his name was nick always gave us as many gummy worms as we wanted because he knew us. But I am going because marlene said it is still fun there!

                                                           The End!

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