Tuesday, November 25, 2014

23 50's In Swim

Every monday and friday I have swim. Yesterday I had swim and we where doing 50's. 2 laps, flip turns at each end. So the teacher said we where doing four 50's free style, but here comes the bad part. Five sets of four 50's. That is twenty 50's, plus three 50's at the very end. 23 50's in swim, it was totally breathtaking, literally I could not breath. Finally, half way on my last one, my 23rd I was so relived that I had reached the end on my 23rd 50.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Swim Record!

Today at swim we where doing races of 25 free style, first I did one 18 second. Then I did about five 17 seconds, then I did a 16 second! O.M.G, I usually only can do a 19, and I did 18, 17 and 16 seconds. I was amazed. So always remember, Just Keep Trying.

Yay, Today Is Conference Day.

Ok, so today I have school conferences and I hope, wait no, I know I will do good. It is fun having two teachers because you get to go to both of them and hear your grades from two teachers not just one. Another reason I like conferences is because we get half days. Two half days in a row, one on Wednesday, and also a half day on Thursday. So wish me good luck!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Friends B-Day!

On saturday I went to my friends house while she was at her dads because I was helping set up for the party on sunday. The theme was Candy/Willy Wonka, and boy was there a lot of candy( YES ) There was probably 46 different types of candy there, the parents are not going to be happy when their kids come home with sugar rushes. Today was the party, it was fun but there where way to many kids. 22 kids, yes I said it, 22 kids. It was cool because I got to stay later than everyone else because we are good friends. I got to help her set up her toys that she got. Then I had to leave, I was sad. But we just left and where glad we had a fun time.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Wacky Dog

Patches is my CRAZY dog. I have a normal dog and a super odd dog. Sometimes he is a 'freak'. I think he has mental issues sometimes. I mean he is so crazy sometimes that I think he ate a potion that makes him go crazy. I sometimes wonder about him. He is a little syco. My other dog is big, sweet and slobbers a lot. Only if they could be normal. If you have a crazy dog then comment below this post.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Passing Through Worlds In Mario

My mom and me where playing Mario. We got halfway through world 2, then we made it to world 3. We played longer, middle of world 4. YAY, we are going to get so far tonight. I hope that we get to the huge castle. That would be a miracle!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Martin My Tortoise!

This is Martin my tortoise.→
I have had Martin for about two years, he is very funny and very fast for a tortoise. He is a Russian Tortoise and he does not like baths. He loves to run around and he loves lettuce. He also likes cabbage ( Only the purple kind.)
He is sometimes picky. I think he is very friendly, he loves to bump into the wall randomly because he has jungle wallpaper and it is super realistic ( I Wish I Had It!) He is cute and can make you happy if your sad and it is funny to just watch him if you are bored and he is FUN!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Super FUN Sunday Play date

I woke up sunday and I remembered that I have not seen my friend Isabella in a month ( And two days to be exact ) so I facetimed her and she answered and that is when we set it up. Then we played mario on my wii u and then we just did some fun things that girls like to do during play dates, one thing we did was we made mini iphones. We did other stuff and she even got to stay for diner. We finished dinner at 5:41 and she was getting picked up at 7:14. But her grandma came 8 minutes early witch was super annoying because we did not know she was coming early so we thought we had a few minutes  to play. So I said goodbye and she left. It was a fun night!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Dance Day

I have dance on Wednesdays ( Hip Hop ) Thursdays ( Lyrical ) So I had dance today, my class went to do warm up with another group because their teacher was stuck in terrible traffic. So when she got there our group went back to our room, but the speakers where not working. So we went back into the other room while the teacher fixed. Eventually they got fixed so we went back to our room.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Fictional Story: The Adventures Of Bob and Sandra Chapter 1

( This series is based on real happenings in my life from random people names in fiction life.)

Bob was listening to his beats while his dad, His dads friend and her daughter Sandra came into the club. Bob was scared and so was Sandra, Bobs friend Barney was there witch made Sandra even more uncomfortable. She just stood behind her mother. Bob ate his chicken fingers with ranch and BBQ sauce. Sandra just ate her pasta slowly staring at Bob.

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Sleepover!

☺I can not wait till my friend marlene comes over for our sleepover! It is going to be super fun, we are going to make funny videos and play on my wiiU. I hope that it turns out well and fun, very fun! And in the morning we might go to this zip-line place. I watched a video and it looked awesome! We can do Truth or Dare tonight and we can play Would You Rather and all that other fun sleepover stuff! It will be so FUN! This may be a short story but I am just to exited that I cant keep my full attention. Bye!☺


                                             Halloween 10/31/2014
                                             By: Olivia B
It is Halloween night and it is so cold that I cant believe that people are aloud outside on a night like this. On the news I heard that it is so bad that they are saying bring your own safety kit, and stay away from wires and trees. At first I didn't want to go trick or treating but I remembered that it would be the first time I ever skipped Halloween. "No way am I skipping Halloween." I said pacing around the room like a hockey puck being bumped from person to person. I was arguing against myself, "It is way to cold out." I said "Why does Halloween have to be so cold." Arguing with myself again I said "If I don't go my friends will be sad and wonder why I skipped." I got so frustrated about having a fight with MYSELF, I mean I cant just say 'Oh well she started it' because it is me and me who started it if it isn't confusing enough. So I paced around more and more, What ifs started pacing around me instead of me moving, I just stood there hearing the what ifs run through one ear and out the other ' What if a tree falls down, what if a powers circuit falls and catches on fire' was one what if that left me quick because I knew would probably never happen. So I decided I would go.

My Super Crazy Sunday!

So Sunday morning in royal oak there is a flea market, I always wonder why they call it that because the do not sell fleas, OK, so back to the story. So we always go on Sunday because I think its cool there and my dad likes it too, my brother on the other hand, well lets just say its not his favorite until he sees a toy car he likes,for example, we might see a cooler toy car like a 1997 Cadillac brougham and he'll just act all stubborn and say " No, I like the jetta we saw." I would get mad because I personally think older cars are cooler but I guess in his mind he just has to be stubborn. So we where at the flea market, I got some toys and my brother got a toy car, at least it was a Cadillac brougham but I guess he did not pick it out, my uncle bought it for him. Then we had ton go drop him off to his mom, for those of you who do not know me so well, I have the same dad as my brother of course but we have different moms. His mom made a bad decision to ohio but she did so we drove all the way to the border and dropped him off. We decided that we could have dinner in toledo ohio. I saw the spaghetti warehouse so we went there. It was great. So that is my Super Crazy Sunday!