Monday, November 3, 2014

My Super Crazy Sunday!

So Sunday morning in royal oak there is a flea market, I always wonder why they call it that because the do not sell fleas, OK, so back to the story. So we always go on Sunday because I think its cool there and my dad likes it too, my brother on the other hand, well lets just say its not his favorite until he sees a toy car he likes,for example, we might see a cooler toy car like a 1997 Cadillac brougham and he'll just act all stubborn and say " No, I like the jetta we saw." I would get mad because I personally think older cars are cooler but I guess in his mind he just has to be stubborn. So we where at the flea market, I got some toys and my brother got a toy car, at least it was a Cadillac brougham but I guess he did not pick it out, my uncle bought it for him. Then we had ton go drop him off to his mom, for those of you who do not know me so well, I have the same dad as my brother of course but we have different moms. His mom made a bad decision to ohio but she did so we drove all the way to the border and dropped him off. We decided that we could have dinner in toledo ohio. I saw the spaghetti warehouse so we went there. It was great. So that is my Super Crazy Sunday!

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