Thursday, December 18, 2014

Geometry Dash

I was looking on the appstore for fun games. Finally I found this game that my friends really liked, it is  called geometry dash. It is superfun! You are a square and you try not to touch the other sqauares and triangles. It is so hard and the levels keep on getting harder. I hope they have a lot of levels. I love that game!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Castaway Bay!

Castaway bay is my favorite place to go to during the winter.  It has a huge raftride, and a indoor/outdoor hottub and so many other cool things. Last time I was there the fire alarm went off for no reason and I freaked out. I was so glad that nothing happened. We went right back to the actual water park. There is a really good restraunt near by and they have a bowling alley. The enterance is really cool, they have a cool mini waterfall and a ship with a robotic parrot. I just cant wait till break, and I know exactly who I want to come with me!

MY Pets.

My mom says I am not allowed to pick out any more pets. Because when I pick out the pet it ends out to be insane or weird. My fish sleeps on the bottom of the tank flat on his side. And dont worry, I know for a fact that he is not dead. My Chihuahua is the weirdest as they get. When he is bored he doesnt just cry, he squeals. It is insane. My bloodhound is fine because I did not pick him out, my dad picked him out for me. I did not pick out my tortoise only because he was the only one, he is perfect though. So these are the reasons why I can not pick out pets.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Perfect Place

                                                              Your Perfect Place

 What is one thing you would love in your perfect place?______________________________

 What would you eat in you perfect place? _______________________________

 What types of events would you have? __________________________________

What types of stores would there be? ________________________________________

What would be your favorite part?_________________________________

Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Clubs Christmas Party!

Today my club had a christmas party. It was fun! They had a tattoo lady there and I got two flowers. They also had four different crafts to do. They even had a magic show. They called up this guy, he had to use one of his own bills and write his name on it and look at the bar code. Then they put is between tweezers and someone in the crowd held a bag with a orange in it. Someone had to hold a steak nife. Then the guy took the dollar and put it in is pocket then the person brought up the orange, the nife and the guy cut the orange open and the dollar was right there. Bar code 797 b, with the name TIM in bug bold letters. It was so cool, My friend was being so annoying though. She was like ' He isnt good at his job, who would do this for a living.' But I thought it was pretty cool.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Scrambled Up Sentances.


 he knew
 But even as that thought touched
 his mind
nor any hope of such
 that for him
that had bred him
 only the shadow
 to drift home
 and none of the substance
and without any stake in the
 would be


But even as that thought touched his mind he knew that for him only the shadow that had bred him and none of the substance would be rootless and without any stake in the country to drift home nor any hope of such.

Slash Scrambled Sentances

Sixteen children / and young people / were stricken with the mysterious fever / and none of the familiar remedies seemed to be any benefit

A Different One

The next day after school / jess went down / and got the lumber he needed / carrying it a couple of boards at a time / to the creek bank.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Are U Cool Survey! ;)

RULES: 1.(Put questions and answers on a peice of paper) 2.(This may not actually mean you are or are not cool) 3.(yes or no quetions) 4.(This was created by a 10 year old so do not be offended if you get no's) 5.(You can not take this survey if you are 70 years or older, SORRY! ) 6. MOST IMPOTANT RULE OF ALL: HAVE FUN;) extra-FUN! 7.( For girls Only, SORRY boys) 8.(Boys can read this though and suggest it to a girl in your family)

                                                   Are U Cool Survey! ;)

Question 1. Do you text people like this?: ( Hi, how r u) (are=r you=u, or any other cool texts)______

Question 2. Do you like Taylor Swift?_______

Question 3. Do you like Meghan Trainor?________

Question 4. Do you like Dogs more than Cats?_______

Question 5. Do you like Justice? (The store)________

Question 6. Do you like Brownies?________

Question 7. Do you like Chocolate?__________

Question 8. Do you like Pancakes more than Waffles?_________

Question 9. Do you like Cheetah print?________

Question 10. Do you have a Pet?________

( Copy and paste this post on my blog in the commments the answer or print it out)

Score: A= all yes's, B= 8-1 yes's, C= 4-1 no's, D= 5-1 no's, E= 6-1, 7-1 no's, F= 8-1, 9-1
A=u r cool B=pretty cool but not really C=kind of cool D=not really cool E=no way cool F=Not at all (do not be offended by your score, you are cool in you own special way!) (congrats if you got A or B!)



In mario on my wii U I am one world close to the catle that is being taken over. I have almost passed the end of the last world. I cant wait to see what is after the castle. I hope it is super fun!

Monday, December 8, 2014

My New Haircut!

On friday I got a haircut. I was always scared to cut my hair. I had such long hair. I thought I would look wierd with short hair. But acctually I love it. My ponytails are so cute. My hair is so easy to brush. I am just so much happier with short hair. It gets wavy in water and streight when it is super dry. I hope it doesn't grow too quikly.

Wonder By R.J Palacio

In Wonder By R. J Palacio Auggie changed. The thing that changed about him is very important. In the  beggining of te book he was so set on being scary that he never wanted to go to school. Now that I have finished the book I see a big change. In the start he had no friends, now he has a whole standing ovation. So many things have changed about him. He does not care about how he looks as much. He has so many new friends, he climbed his own everest and went to school. It tuned out better than he expected. In fact, he is going back for sixth grade. It is my favorite book!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Captian Toad Treasure Tracker

On friday I got a new wii u game and it is called Captian Toad Treasure Tracker. It is so fun. You have tyo use the gamepad to choose the angle to make sure you can see captian toad. He can collect all of the diamonds but you need to collect the star. Also you can also play as toadette. I am on part 2. I hope it doesn't go by to fast!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lake Cumberland Kentucky

This summer me, my friend, her mom, my dads friend, his two sons and my dad all went to lake cumberlan in kentucky for a week of house boating. My friend Ani and I heard that they had geodes (the cool rocks with crystals inside when you break it open) every where. We found so many of them, on land and in water. But the best part was we where supposed to get a three room boat. But apperently  it was broken. So they gave us a 5 room boat, but that was broken too. We got a 7 room boat for the same price as the three room boat because we had to wait so long. It was one of the best trips ever and I hope we do it again.

My Thanks Giving Poem

I am thankful for Pets because there is never a dull moment.
I am thankful for Food because it keeps me going.
I am thankful for Friends because they make me laugh.

I am thankful for Royal Oak because I was born at the hospital there.
I am thankful for Detroit because it is where I live.
I am thankful for Birmingham because it is also where I live.

I am thankful for My Mom because she gave me life.
I am thankful for My Dad because he loves me.
I am thankful for All Of My Friends because they always make me happy.

I am most thankful for Life because I am happy that I am loved by so many people and have such a good life.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Family Of 11.

Part 1:

             Claire, Blaire, Mack, Zach, Molly, Polly, Mason and Grayson are all sisters and brothers. And you cant forget Zoey. Claire is 15. Blaire is 16. Mack is 12. Zach is 13. Molly is 11. Polly is 10. Mason is 14. Grayson is 9. Zoey is 4. Usually during dinner thay go in age order. Blaire, seat one. Claire, seat 2. Mason, seat 3. Zach, seat 4. Mack, seat 5. Molly, seat 6. Polly, seat 7. Grayson, seat 8. Zoe, seat 9. Mom, seat 10. Dad, seat 11. On Mondays they have Chicken pot pie for dinner, every Monday. On Tuesdays they have Tacos for dinner, every Tuesday. Wendsdays They have Spaghetti and meatballs. Thursdays they have Hot dogs. Fridays they have burritos. Saturday and Sunday the kids choose, and there is always a big debate about what they are going to eat.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


This is buddy ➞
 Here are some words to describe him: He is so sweet. Cute. And lovable. And I love to say " He is mine.". Although, he drools, your dog might, if it does, buddy's is a million times bigger and worse. He is 1 year old and I got him: Sunday october 6 2013. He was so, so, so cute, he was a little smaller, now he is a beast. Huge, 100 pounds and I could ride him if he wasn't so crazy. But no matter what I still love him.

Monday, December 1, 2014

St. Augustine Florida!

 It was spring break, the best place to go was Florida because it was cold in Michigan. We rented a mini van with a TV. We bought some movies to watch. We where on the road for 16 hours and 47 minutes, but we stopped in Savanna in Georgia. It was so beautiful there, they had palm trees and a pretty ocean. Then we got  back on the road on our way to florida. My dad rented a little cottage, me, my dad, my nana and my mom fit perfectly in the small cottage. The cottage was right on the beach. We walked there every morning. One day it was all rainy, I was scared because I knew sometimes there where hurricanes. I knew the chances of me being there and a hurricane happenning where 5% out of 100%. We had a wonderful time and loved it. I hope we do it again.

My Cousins NEW Dog

On Friday me, my dad, my brother and my dads really good friend Erik(Other known as Uncle Erik) all went to the farm for a belated thanksgiving dinner. My cousin Amanda was cooking the dinner because she is a really good cook. When I walked in the house I heard people talking in baby voices, like there was a puppy somewhere. I knew it had to be a puppy because no one talks to Zoe (13 in human years) An Gigi (I am not sure how old, but not as old as Zoe) So what I am saying is no one ever baby~talks them. So I went into the kitchen and there was a puppy! And adorable mix of somthing and german sheperd. Only about 5 months old. His name is Ruger (how to pronounce: roo-grr) We took him outside so he could meet my dog that is a year old and 100lb. Buddy (my dog) was being rude to the puppy, well I mean he was just trying to play but he is way to big. Later that night I was sad my cousing Amanda had to leave but she had to get home because she has two other dogs besides Ruger, a st. brenard and a mix of something. Three dogs, that is a lot to handle. At least that is what I think.