Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Clubs Christmas Party!

Today my club had a christmas party. It was fun! They had a tattoo lady there and I got two flowers. They also had four different crafts to do. They even had a magic show. They called up this guy, he had to use one of his own bills and write his name on it and look at the bar code. Then they put is between tweezers and someone in the crowd held a bag with a orange in it. Someone had to hold a steak nife. Then the guy took the dollar and put it in is pocket then the person brought up the orange, the nife and the guy cut the orange open and the dollar was right there. Bar code 797 b, with the name TIM in bug bold letters. It was so cool, My friend was being so annoying though. She was like ' He isnt good at his job, who would do this for a living.' But I thought it was pretty cool.

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